Trio Concept - Jerry Ong
Writely is a web-based word processor currently in beta and owned by Google Inc. It can be used as a collaborative text editing suite, and features access controls. Writely's user interface is a WYSIWYG word processor that appears within a web browser. Menus, keyboard shortcuts, and dialogue boxes show up in a way similar to what you would expect on a GUI-driven word processor, such as Microsoft Word or

Immediately following the acquisition by Google in early 2006, Writely stopped accepting new registrations for approximately five months. NOW Writely service re-opened to the public on August 21, 2006, it had been relocated to Google's servers but surprisingly not integrated into the company's suite of web services and utilities.

Now you can share and collaborating work with your school mate or even your collegue, rather than keep refresh your mailbox waiting for amendment. Click here to learn more

sign up for a Google Account, using the email address and password that you're using to log into Writely. That way when they do move to Google Account sign-in, you'll be all set.

p/s: Happy Birthday Malaysia

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